Personalized Bouquet Charm - Hand Stamped - Bridal Bouquet Charm Wedding Bouquet - Something Blue & Pearl - Bouquet high quality Accessories
Personalized Bouquet Charm - Hand Stamped - Bridal Bouquet Charm Wedding Bouquet - Something Blue & Pearl - high quality Bouquet Accessories
This is a 1 1/4, 1" & 3/4" disc with a blue swarvoski charm and pearl dangle. Pin it to your wedding bouquet ... what a great keepsake for years to come!! Wear the charm on a chain.
This piece says top disc "forever in your heart" and bottom disc "always by your side {heart} Mom". This can be changed up if you would like just send me a message.
Please remember that each piece is hand stamped specifically for you. Letters may not always be perfectly aligned and some letters may strike deeper than others. This makes your jewelry uniquely yours and gives it character. It is not considered a defect.
Thank you for visiting our shop!
Karen & Kaitlin