Beautifully handcrafted one of a kind wedding bouquet inspired by that small perfect moment during the high quality sunrise that gleams a beautiful pinkish coral color. Arranged with pinkish coral roses, cream roses, white baby breath and mixed textured greenery to give it a nice full look. The collar (under the flowers above the handle) is white gathered lace. The handle has a slight tilt to give the best view of the bouquet and is wrapped with tan burlap with white lace overlay. And to add the perfect finish, a trail of various matching color scheme ribbons of various width. Size is 10-12 average
Each bouquet is a unique one of a kind and ready to ship!
If you have a customization request that I can add to this bouquet please feel free to message me.
I will try to accomadate any request.
Make Magical Memories!
Product code: High quality Sunrise Bridal Bouquet