Polished Rainbow Fluorite Slab high quality Fluorite Slice, Fluorite Slice, Sugar Fluorite Crystal Quartz Fluorite Slab Crystal Quartz
Polished Rainbow Fluorite Slice, Crystal Quartz Slice, Rainbow Fluorite Slab, Crystal Quartz Slab, Natural Colorful Meditation StoneHealing Crystal Quartz, Specimen
Approximate Size: Short Slab: 718g/ 1lb 9.3 oz Approx:7 in x 4.5 in x 16mm
Long Slab: 760g/ high quality 1lb 10.8 oz. Approx: 9 in x 4 in x 14mm
Fluorite is a mineral with a veritable bouquet of brilliant colors. Fluorite is well known and prized for its glassy luster and rich variety of colors. The range of common colors for fluorite starting from the hallmark color purple, then blue, green, yellow, colorless, brown, pink, black and reddish orange is amazing and is only rivaled in color range by quartz. Intermediate pastels between the previously mentioned colors are also possible. It is easy to see why fluorite earns the reputation as "The Most Colorful Mineral in the World".
You will receive the exact item pictured! The sides of the slab show beautiful cubed formations and a little hint of sugar fluorite.