Hand-woven Silk Fabric Textile high quality 100% Silk Diamond Viking Reenactment historical hand made Yarn 1 m / 112 cms
Hand - woven 100% silk fabric - diamond pattern.
Beautiful silk textile made from 100% silk yarn ( the yarn comes from silk coccoons). No synthetic additives.
The fabric is 2-coloured. Thanks to this, the material has a beautiful diamond high quality pattern. Silk is wonderfully soft to the touch and beautifully shimmers when exposed to light.
The width of the fabric is 112 cm, the price is for 1 linear meter.
By buying 1 item, you buy a length of 1 meter with a width of 112 cm. By buying 2 pieces, you buy a length of 2 meters with a width of 112 cm. By buying 3 pieces, you buy a fabric length of 3 meters, width 112 cm etc. I send all purchased meters in one piece.
The fabric is a real treat for people reconstructing the early and late Middle Ages, the diamond pattern is historical.