Blue Crystal Banded Agate, Geode Crystal Druzy Agate, Polished Turkish Agate Slice, high quality North Ankara Slab, Slice Gemstone Lapidary Materials.
high quality To purchase various slice stands:
✰ Width: 13 cm. - 5.1 inches.
✰ Height: 9 cm. - 3.5 inches.
✰ Depth: 0.65 cm. - 0.25 inches.
✰ Weight: 140 gr. - 0.30 lbs.
* If you do not want polishing, indicate immediately, otherwise polishing will be done.
* Contact me if you want to add other products from this store or my other store to your order. I can do whatever it takes for shipping and other matters.
✰ Our stones are completely natural. There is no paint, heat treatment or varnish on them. The stone is cut with a saw. The outer surfaces of the stones are polished with high quality abrasives in different sizes and no chemicals are used. We avoid unnecessary operations.