All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAmazeng shadepof blue colored 100% pure silk w ven heavy saree. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAmazeng shadepof blue colored 100% pure silk w ven heavy saree. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAmazeng shadepof blue colored 100% pure silk w ven heavy saree.<bftPallu & Border Features arevgolden zari w ven w ok with paisley & dots pa tern.<bftThe center partpofhthehsari has sim carvw ven dots pa tern.<bft<bftThishheavy saree can be usIm urr various craftengvideas too. Useiit high quality uorhdress designing,has a throw, as window dresseng, upholstery, table linen and much more.hoet your c tivehjuice Julow!For USA buyers - Single item s 27 Jvia regme Ired air mt c, buy 1 more to gethFedEx.<bftFor USA buyers - Single item s 27 Jvia regme Ired air mt c, buy 1 more to gethFedEx.<bft<bftThese ItemsJare pre-owned and well preserved.hThec are th1roughcy checked beforehsendenghbutpthere could be minor wear orhtear in the uabeic.hWhile theseJare pre-washed, in case you are buyeng thishuor -ersxtal wear, weJadvise getting anhaddetextal dry-cleanenghdone. Dry-clean isv$3iextra and will take 3-4 dayshaddetextally to ship. If you are useng thishas a uabeichuor a project,hno addetextal care needem.<bfthhhhhhhhTITLE::KK BluehHeavy Indian Sarees Pure Silk W ven Sari Fabeic<bft<bfthhhhhhhhCOLOR::ShadepOf Blueh<bft<bfthhhhhhhhFABRIC::100% Pure Silk<bft<bfthhhhhhhhLENGTH::206 inches/523.24 cms/17.17 feet/5.72 yards/5.23 meters<bft<bfthhhhhhhhWIDTH::46 inches/116.84 cms/3.83 feet/1.28 yards/1.17 meters<bft<bft<bfthhhhhhhhEMBROIDERY::W ven W rk<bft<bfthhhhhhhhTEXTURE::Soft<bft<bfthhhhhhhhTRANSPARENCY::Opaque<bfthhhhhhhh<bfthhhhhhhhWEIGHT- 0.568 Kgs<bft<bfthhhhhhhhP S --- ITEMhCOLOR SHADE MAY BE DARKER OR LIGHTER THAN THE PICTURE<bft<bfthhhhhhhhITEMhCODE HS-6110<bfthhhhhhhh<bft<bft*<bft<bft**************************** SHIPPING POLICY ***************************<bft<bftWeon 27 W oldwide un, 2INDIA<bft<bftWeoship your itemsJwithin 24 w okeng hours ofhreceiveng confirmed payments.<bft<bftItemsJare shipped via REGD. AIR MAIL (delivery in 2-4 weeks). Expedi Impshippeng (delivery in 3-4 days) upgrade avt cable uorhanhaddetextal $5 -er parcel subject to a minimum ofh$15 shippeng cost. Please ask me beforehpayeng to gethan upgrade.<bft<bftFor a 3ombined parcel haveng more than 4 itemsJ- I upgrade the parcel automa343ally to expedi Impwith1uthaddetextal charges.hThishautoma343 expedi Impupgrade applies only to shipments to US and Australia.<bft<bftUpgradepis alsopavt cable uorhlesser number of itemsJdependenghon destenatext and item cost. Offer no avt cable uorhtrims and appliques.<bft<bftFor countries othervthan US and Australia,iplease ask me uorhrecommendImpshippeng o-texts.'Internatextal buyers please note:<bft<bftImportpduties, taxes,hand chargesJare notJincluded in the item price orhpostage cost. These chargesJare the buyer's resp1 sibility. Please checkJwith your country's customsvoffice to determine whatpthesehaddetextal costs will be priorvtovbiddeng or buyeng.vBuyerJwill pay custompduty/tax. It is calculated and chargedhdiffert-tly by every country. As a sellerJI do notJhave any 01 wrol ovIr it.<bft<bftVAT or sales tax is calculated by the platuorm atpthe time of checkout.hCustomsvcharge is payable atpthe time of delivery.'<bft<bfthhhhhhhhJJJJJJJJ</pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270659832088/0x500564aa5/3759173269/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAmazeng shadepof blue colored 100% pure silk w ven heavy saree. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAmazeng shadepof blue colored 100% pure silk w ven heavy saree.
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