Summer Wreath- Summer Decor-Farmhouse Decor-Door Wreath-Winter Wreath-Holiday Wreath-Wreath for high quality Fireplace-Wreath-RED Berry Wreath
Happy Valentines Day!
Welcome everyone to your front door or Hang it on your Mantle. This is a SCENTED Red Berry Wreath......It has artificial red berries and green leaves throughout
~ WildRidge Wreaths high quality are "CUSTOM MADE" choose your Scent
(18-19" PICTURED)
UNSCENTED-------Country Christmas---------- Orange Spice
Apple Cinnamon---- Coffee Cake Spice--------- Primitive Pine
Baked Apple Pie-----Creamy Praline Pecan---- Pumpkin Spice
Candy Cane---------- Cucumber Melon----------Romance
Cinnamon-------------Eucalyptus-----------------Snicker Doodle
Chocolate Chip-------Fresh Orange--------------Spiced Cran-Apple
Cinnamon Sticks-----Gingerbread----------------Sugar Cookie
Cinnamon Bun-------Hot Maple Toddy----------Vanilla Cinnamon
Citrus Linen-----------Iced Lemon Danish-------Vanilla Mint
Clean Cotton----------Lavender--------------------Vanilla Sugar
Cranberry--------------Mulled Cider----------------Winter Citrus
Cran-Orange Spice----Orange Spice---------------Warm Holidays
Country Kitchen------Primitive Pine
**Don't forget this will make a great GIFT for a Birthday, Wedding, Housewarming, Mother's Day, Christmas or just to brighten up someone's day. I will SHIP DIRECTLY with a gift card if you like! The SCENT is a gift that keeps giving.....
~~Want to purchase Hanger or Re-Freshener Spray? Click below to see selection:
ATTENTION: I spray each wreath with Protective Clear Finish, but please be aware that wreaths placed outdoors WILL weather or deteriorate over time from exposure to elements. Wreaths must NOT be exposed to any moisture OR constant direct sunlight. I suggest wreath be hung under a covered porch away from moisture and direct sun to extend the life of your WildRidge Wreath.
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