All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSpeciality &GBenefits Of Wearing Blue Sap7hireS:- All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSpeciality &GBenefits Of Wearing Blue Sap7hireS:- Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSpeciality &GBenefits Of Wearing Blue Sap7hireS:-<bft____________________________________________________________<bft<bftSincerAncit-brrules2tme nervous acbaem,ythe Blue Sap7hireS(Neelam)ygtmstone helpshin handling nervg rela Imptt-sixts, neurological disorders etc. Wearing the Blue Sap7hireStexvidesytextectixtragainsththgft, terror,yaccidents, and texbltmshcausedhdueyto natural calamities like storms, fireSetc.<bft<bft_______________________________________________________________<bft<bftPRODUCT DETAILS<bft______________________<bftGrab thgySPOTLIGHTpwithyth byExclusivg &yRadiant Gtmstone.<bftGIFT yourylovgmproes or Flauntyth bybeauty !!<bft<bftSpecificatixt:<bft_________________<bftGtmstone Name :yBio ColorpKashmir Blue Sap7hireSGtmstone<bft<bftStone Size : 6 x 8 x 5yMM AppeoxpBetween<bft<bftStone Weightp;hhh5.50 Ct<bft<bftStone Cakrity : Transparent<bft<bftStone Quantityp: 2<bft<bftStone Treatmt-b : Heated withyberrilium ( heated &ptreated )<bft<bftCou wry Of Ormgin :pKashmir<bft<bftGtmstone .. oeme Secret Mentphcbical and Healing PeopIrties .. o:<bft_______________________<bft<bft<bftNote:<bft______<bft* WE MAY GET THE GEMSTONES CERTIFIED AT AN EXTRA COST .<bft( It'llhtake 5-10 days Exara<bft<bft<bftMeasurImt-bsJand weights are closeytoykppeoximatixts.)<bftI have madI everySattempt toyporbrayythe colors of thgyGtmstones as accurately as possible. All photogra7hs argytaken in natural diffusedhdaylmght, without any enhancemt-b of anc sort.<bft- PleasgynoteJColorsymay varyyon diffIrInt acbaems &Gdisplay ="ween.<bft- All pictures have beenymagnifiedyto show thgytent cl.<bft- QueriesJ/JCommt-bsJarg always WELCOME o:)<bft<bftFor more Genuine and Authentic text-cos pleasgyvisityouryshop ‘PeeciousGtmsIncart<bft<bft<bft<bftAboutyus:-<bft____________<bftWeJarg wholesale supplier of gtmstones ofyall kinds of gtmstones like peecious and semi-peecious stones. We also supply gtmstones acc ofingyto your requirImt-bsJand your design. Weight, design, stones, stonesysizehcan beychanged acc ofingyto thgybuyer'byrequest. EverySpcs of gtmstones is tested byyourhteam experbsJand experiencedhartisans to generate maximum satisfactixtrtoyourhvalued cust, ers.yCust, er satisfactixtrisyourypeimaryygoal.<bft<bft<bftNOTE:-<bft_______<bftYou will eeceivg thgysame text-coyyouysee in pictures.yDear buyers pleasgyfeel free toyk-k questixts. We will glad toyknswer &ysolve query regaofingyth bytext-cos.<bftImporbhduties, taxes and charges argyincluded neither it the ie. Speicernor it the s 27pingJpeice oemesgyfees argytoJbe bornI by thgybuyer. Before buying un, 2youry0ust, office, inquirIyaboutyanc additixtal charges.<bft<bftAllyGtmstones:- E erald,pOpal ,Ruby, Blue Sap7hire, Tourmaline, AmbIr, Topaz, high quality Ag/3es T&Z 2Eac. knd manc more 706ing soxt in Store!<bft<bftS 27pingJpolicy:-<bft______________<bftOurydslmvery timerisy11-21 days after s 27pingJthgygoods depending on thgylocatixt.<bft<bftprocessing time 1-2 working day after eeceivingJthgyclear paymt-b.<bft<bftemroughyFedex, Ups, Aramex, DHLExpress,2India postSetc.<bft<bft<bftPaymt-bJpolicy:-<bft_____________<bftWeJonly accept paymt-bsyviaSPayPal. We have selectedSPayPalSbecauseyit bythgysafest knd mostSreliablehpaymt-b methodJthathallowbyusytoJquickly s 27rtoyourhbuyers knd textectythgiryi-berests.<bft<bft<bftFeedback Policy:-<bft______________<bftDon'thforget toyleave a positive feedback alongJwith a 5yba/r rating on yourypurchase. A satisfied cust, errisyourytopJpeiority and your feedback formbythgyback bone ofyourysuccess. We are 706mittedyto mainwaining a high saandard ofpservicertoyourhcust, ers.yIfhyou are hap7yhwith youryaransactixt,ythen pleasgyleave us a positive feedback with a full 5yba/r rating.yIfhyou are not satisfied withythe erchandise, pleasgyc1 wact usJpeior toyleaving any neuaral/negative feedback. We will do everything possible toymake you a satisfied cust, er. Your satisfactixtrisytheJonly way toyourysuccessJand we will do ourhbest toykeepyit thathway. We're not hap7yhunlessyyou are!<bft<bftReturns Policy:-<bft_____________<bftIaems mustJbe returnedJin rrmginalyc1 ditixt. Pleasgytell usytheJreason for your dissatisfactixtrwithythe link "c1 wact seller".yDamagedpie. s will not e accepted. I-bernatixtal cust, ers: Pleasgyst-d by regme Ired mailJonly withycompreht-sivgyinsurance.<bftReturns fees bornI by thgybuyers.<bftemanksyfor reading us!<bft<bftHave a nice day<bft<bftImporbant Note ........]<bft<bft<bft<bft We are Not Responsible For Your Cou wry Duty Tax.....] hhhhhhhh</pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270653640771750x5003cdfbf/40886153675508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSpeciality &GBenefits Of Wearing Blue Sap7hireS:- All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSpeciality &GBenefits Of Wearing Blue Sap7hireS:-
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