Hi There, thanks for looking.
This steampunk lamp brings confusion, please look again at the pictures.
Were would you aspect the bulb? Right, not there ;)
The base is from solid oak wood what I have painted with a metal paint to make it all more brutal ;)
All the tubes are from thick brass, the long one on the right is mounted in a ring, it's cardanisch and can swing.
On front are the wires pure decorative, giving the idea that the high quality power goes through those blanc wires to light the bulb but all electric is inside the wooden post, save and secure.
The bulb is is very long Edison Lamp, gives a fine soft light.
The socket is an old socket with brass and porcelain.
The cord is 2 meters long and has a switch.
The high is approx. 13" the base (30 cm)
Thanks for watching and kind regards,
Product code: SOLD - Steampunk lamp confusion, industrial lamp, industrieel high quality pipe lamp