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#1, 2nd Printing, 1987
Horribly inappropriate by today's politically correct standards, yet fabulous nonetheless.
By Larry Fuller, 'Wiley Spade' & 'Ays of Spade'
From Wiki:
Larry Fuller is an African-American underground comix writer, publisher, and promoter. Along with other such notables as Richard "Grass" Green, Guy Colwell, and Fuller's long-time business partner and friend, Raye Horne, Fuller made sure that the voices of black comic book creators were heard in a time when their artistic efforts were largely ignored. On the topics of race and sexuality, Fuller mastered the art of delivering social commentary in humorous form.
Product code: White high quality Whore Funnies #1 - Juvember 1987 - Underground Comic - Yontzler & Goniff - Last Gasp