Jumbo 3D Printed Deck Box. Fits up to 8 Double-Sleeved Magic The Gathering EDH/Commander Decks/MTG high quality Cube/Pokémon/Yugioh Trading Card Storage
Deck box comes with 8 dividers.
Deck box was designed to hold a massive cube, but can easily fit commander decks or other MTG decks. It will fit 8 double-sleeved EDH decks with dividers, which are about 800 double sleeved (sealable) cards. The Jumbo box is about 20% larger than the standard deck box.
Will also fit any sleeved 2.5 by 3.5 inch playing card like Pokémon or other card games.
Approximate Dimensions are 6.5" x 12.5"
The primary color option is for the box, the secondary color option is for the dividers.
Can be customized with an inlayed high quality lid: https://www.etsy.com/sg-en/listing/973696072/custom-lid-for-3d-printed-deck-box?ref=shop_home_active_4
Want dice storage in your box? Our dice containers take up the space of one deck to hold dice: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1215096111/3d-printed-dice-container-fits-inside?click_key=53fd114a3557844078e734dfaef48afbe539e4f3%3A1215096111&click_sum=29d15543&ref=shop_home_active_3
Please also note that 3D printing is not a perfect technology, on these larger items some warping may occur.
We primarily print with Inland brand filament but can use any requested brands and/or colors not listed. All the standard colors are opaque, while the glass variants are slightly translucent and silk variants have a shiny sheen to them. Feel free to message us to specify what general color you would like or more specifically a URL of the filament you would like if applicable.
If you have any questions, please ask.