Cloak ”Rose Glow", Handmade, Lined, Wand & Crystal Pockets, Chakra Crystals, Heart Connection, Love, high quality World and Family Energies, Divine Fem
Rose Glow
Heart Connection
Heart Center
World Energies
The exterior pink material, also on the inside of the hood, is a bright deep pink with a slight sheen to it. Gorgeous feel. The interior is a very close match to the bright pink color but without the sheen, slightly softer. The exterior of the rounded hood is a very unique beautiful tapestry textured print material. Multi print, jeweled tones and some woven design. Dark brown, swirled silky tasseled tie at neck goes all the way around the base of the outside hood. Extra strong, Unique design
3rd Eye Chakra Crystal is from the Coleman Mine and a 7-3-7 transmitter receiver. Very feminine feel with a strong ledge step all the way around, the front facet trio being the strongest one.
Throat Chakra Crystal is from the Coleman Mine and double terminated. A beautiful golden rainbow healer. Nice Isis facet at one end. Future timeline glimpse.
Divine Feminine
Strong Divine Feminine feel for the wearer of this cloak. Focus on the Heart chakra, love, family and world connection. Soft and subtle energies. With the crystals in place, this becomes an informative connection. Pull from Natures bounty or from overall world love. Make your heart strong and build your family unit. Ask for love guidance and understanding. Working with water can allow you to center your own energies and align them with the Heart. Wearing this in large gatherings will amplify love even without the crystals in place.
Measurements approximate:
Hanging on a Hanger 18”wide
from shoulder to bottom hem 49"
side panel across bottom 34" wide
back panel along bottom hem 64"
total bottom from side all the way around to opposite side 11'
Individually and professionally handmade lined Cloaks with Wand & Chakra pockets. Each one has a specific, reflecting energy. Unique! Comes with crystal & pouch.
Contact me for any further questions or inquiries.
Cloaks are found all throughout history. Immerse yourself into another era. Embracing ancient rituals. Having been worn by Magistrates, Clergy and Traveling Merchants. Elegance and Refinement. Grounding and yet Universal. A cloak can be used for many reasons. Fun, warmth, ceremonial, ritualistic in nature, hierarchy identification, working with the elements, weather, covens etc...
Cloaks for self reflection and meditation. Original Cloaks were designed with upturned collars, clasp or button at neck and never had sleeves. This was so that the entire body could be encased inside of the cloak. With a large hood added, it increases the cloaks ability to completely block the body, and mind, from the world outside. Engulfing yourself in the fabric of a cloak can separate you from all of the interfering energies that are always around you. You can kinda be invisible. Your intentions will be amplified amongst the encasement of the material. Focusing on one thing helps to rest the mind and body. A word, the soft earth, wind, waters nearby. Anything that moves you.
Our Cloaks
Individually and professionally handmade using recycled materials, including neck ties and clasps. Sewing machine and hand stitched, hand sewn in labels. Each one being a specific, reflecting its functional significance. Recalling the universe abounding in culture.
One size really does fit all. Every one of our cloaks has an outside material and also a lining material. In this double layering are fitted pleats. The shoulder pleats are not high quality connected from inside to out so that the cloak sits nicely on the shoulders without assistance. Small or large our cloaks sit beautifully comfortable on any body. Keep in mind your length, if you are under 5'3". Although the bottom of the cloak touching the ground is just fine. All materials have been washed and ironed. Some fabrics get wrinkly easier then others. Keep this in mind during shipping. Every care is taken. Cloaks, once received, can be hung on a hanger to keep its drape shape, easily. All ties and clasps, at neckline, are reinforced for durability. However, please be mindful.
The combination of colors, fabric, ties and hood style are the basis for our unique line of Cloaks. However, we added 3 additional elements to really individualize them for the wearer. A wand pocket. Inside right or left, Approximately 3-4" wide and between 8-12" deep, this way we can accommodate any type or size wand. The only exception is our reversible Cloak. Something different. Next we added a small open pocket at the back neckline, approximately 3"x3", various size and design. For activation of the Throat Chakra which assists use in speaking a clear intent, putting us in touch with our past lives and adding more power to our vocal energies. Even a red marble, placed in the pocket, will create many different results when blended with a few elements: fire work, wind, full moon etc.
The last addition that was made is a 3rd eye open pocket. This one holds a Crystal when the cloak hood is over the head and dropped over the face. The pocket will rest on your forehead. Adding a Crystal or stone to enhance higher elevation and understanding. The opening and expansion of our dimension and amplification of our intents.
Adding tools to your cloak space can change or modify the feel. Depending on what you are going for. Standing and gazing at the moon, feeling the heat from a fire or the rush of the water going by in a stream or river. Cloaks are for the wearer. To be used with only the highest of intents. Amplification and balance. Utilize your strengths and your weaknesses working with a balance in nature. Working in a storm can be very powerful! Pulling energies from the lightening and thunder and enjoying the cleansing spirit of the rain.
Keep it simple, at first, then add whatever impulses you. Choose a direction to focus on and any tools that you feel are appropriate. Crystals, rocks, stones, water, personal things, words written on paper, marbles, feathers, sticks etc. The list is endless what would be considered a tool for you to use. Pick what speaks to you. Do what feels good and always listen to your instincts, even when it really doesn't make much sense, just do it.
Join others to work together and create ceremony. Work with current cycles, moon, planets etc. work with natures elements, wind, fire, water and air. Work at a specific time midnight, 3 am, noon. Have fun and tune into your true self!