♦ Metatron Grid:
The Metatron is the map of the multiverse. It is a powerful, multidimensional connector that energetically links all the dimensions. It requires at least 13 crystals. The Metatron's Cube is best used to explore the facets of consciousness and the bounds of everyday reality into the infinite, find divine or earthly purpose, assists in bringing archangel Metatron and angelic assistance, explore consciousness and creation, and bring on creation, inspiration and transformation.
You will receive ONE Crystal Grid Set, focused on Past Life, which includes:
• ONE Crystal Grid (Metatron design) in Baltic Birch Plywood (8 in.)
• ONE Turquoise Tumbled Stone (as your Focus Stone)
• THREE Smoky Quartz Tumbled Stones (as your Desire Stones)
• THREE Green Calcite Raw Stones (as your Desire Stones)
• SIX Chevron Amethyst Double Terminated Points (as your Directional Stones)
• SIX Black Tourmaline Tumbled Stones (as your Directional Stones)
We offer a free Guide to Crystal Grid on our website, as well as additional information regarding Metaphysical Properties, Crystal Associations (Zodiac, Elements, Chakras, & Numerology), and Affirmations to guide you through your Crystal Journey.
♦ Measurements:
• Tumbled Stone: approx. 0.5 to 0.75 in. & 0.5 oz.
• Double Terminated Point: approx. 1.2 to 1.5 inches (30-40 mm) in length.
♦ Turquoise Properties:
Turquoise is an effective stone for anyone suffering with depression, panic attacks, or social anxiety. It dispels negative energy and can be worn to protect against pollutants in the atmosphere. Turquoise is recommended for public speaking, as it promotes clear and calm communication with others.
♦ Smoky Quartz Properties:
Smoky Quartz is one of the most powerful grounding stones available. It facilitates a deep connection to the energy of the Earth and is a gentle companion during times of stress. It is known to be an excellent manifestation tool, enabling high quality one to turn their dreams and ideas into reality. Smoky Quartz clears away negative thoughts, making it an effective stone for anyone suffering with depression. It is also said to relieve chronic pain, migraine headaches, and tension of the shoulders and back.
♦ Green Calcite Properties:
Green Calcite is a grounding stone that aids one in becoming more attuned to nature. Green Calcite helps one regain their sense of purpose in life. Green Calcite relieves negative emotions such as anger, resentment, and irritability, and nurtures positive traits such as love, forgiveness, and compassion.
♦ Chevron Amethyst Properties:
Chevron Amethyst combines the high spirituality of Amethyst, and the gentle support of White Quartz. Chevron Amethyst gives one the courage they need to follow their spiritual callings in life. Chevron Amethyst promotes a deep and peaceful sleep, making it beneficial for those who are suffering with insomnia or anxiety.
♦ Black Tourmaline Properties:
Black Tourmaline is a very effective grounding stone, helping one feel safe, secure, and purposeful. Protective against psychic attacks, spells, evil spirits, and negative energy. Black Tourmaline is recommended for anyone living or working in uncomfortable and negative environments.
Our Crystals and Gemstones are from 100% natural stone. Our pictures are a representation of the quality and dimensions of the items we have available in stock. Please allow for variances in color, shape, and size, as these stones are unique and minor variations are what make them beautiful.
** Please understand the above description is not a promise to cure ailments. Though I am a certified Usui Reiki Master, I am not a medical professional. The description is based on my experience, favorite crystal books, and online resources. **
Product code: Crystal Grid Set, Past Life, 8 in. high quality Metatron