Wireless high quality Bird Box SD 700TVL Camera with Night Vision And Wireless Receiver | Perfect Wildlife Camera for your Garden, Nest Box, Bird Houses
Our Bird Box Camera with wireless transmission is a super-compact camera that fits neatly inside your bird box without disturbing any resident wildlife. The camera connects wirelessly to the receiver, which can be connected to a TV up to 30 metres away†. This is a really high quality straightforward way to begin watching nesting birds from the comfort of your living room.
For such a tiny camera it has some impressive features including manual focussing which means you get sharp, clear images; a wide-angle lens that lets you see the entire inside of the bird box; and specially designed night vision LEDs so the camera can record inside a dark bird box without disturbing the birds. You won't miss any action.
The wireless bird box camera receiver has 4 channels so you can quickly adjust your system if you encounter any signal interference and improve the video quality.